Friday 14 September 2012

Friday Sewing Tips

The weather is starting to look a little gloomy over the office here - I feel like I preface so many friday posts with this, but it's typical Melbourne!
For those of you who've been good enough to dedicate some time to sewing today, we've found some fabulous tips over at one of our favourite blogs, Coletterie.

Seamstress' at work in a Melbourne Garment Factory, c1950
The girls have collated a great list of tips lifted from some professional seamstresses - that is, those who work on industrial machines for a living. While the closest I've ever got to an industrial machine is our trusty vintage singer here in the office (it's only for looks, I swear), I'm sure there are some awesome ideas you can adopt for your own sewing room.

If you're not fortunate (?) enough to own one of these babies...

We're all about keeping up the good habits here at W&W, so why not head over to Coletterie and start up a list for yourself?

Click here for the full story.

Have a great weekend!

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